Cinema Politica Saskatoon

Screening truth to power since 2010

Cinema Politica Saskatoon is the formalizing of a 10-year political education project which has included dozens of film screenings and which has taken on a number of forms over those years.  During the winter months Cinema Politica will be collaborating with local campus-based organization, Mobilization for Global Justice to screen films and during the summer months with Turning the Tide bookstore to continue the tradition of Car-less Drive-in screenings in the parking lot of the bookstore where community members are invited to bring a lawn chair and watch documentaries under the stars.  Part of the goal of Cinema Politica Saskatoon is to not only screen documentaries to the public as passive participants but to recruit and train new political film enthusiasts and train them in the basics of organizing screenings themselves. We hope that this model will see the proliferation of screenings in our community and the education of community members beyond the usual circles of regular attendees of these types of screenings. We look forward to a long and mutually-beneficial relationship with this important network of grassroots film collectives.

Stay tuned for upcoming screenings!


Cinema Politica Saskatoon would like to thank their collaborators for their continued support.

