It’s pride month and Cinema Politica has provocative and stirring queer content on our VOD platform that will add film flare to your actions, organizing and capacity building during the month. Check out these three outstanding docs on CPVOD and when you’re done, feel free to toggle on over to our SVOD platform and start a subscription with a free two week trial – there’s plenty of more content there!
TRANSGENDER PARENTS by Rémy Huberdeau is a ground-breaking, intimate and soul-searching film on trans-parenting and building families outside of the heter-nuclear norm. Check it out here. We also have a french version you can watch here!
PINKWASHING EXPOSED: SEATTLE FIGHTS BACK by Dean Spade follows one community’s successful struggle to expose and resist Israel’s pinkwashing propaganda campaign in the US. Check it out here.
GOD’S WILL by Beata Bubenec is an incredibly jarring and disturbing look at key players in Russia’s Orthodox rightwing, homophbic and violent movement. The film will leave you shaken, but by focusing on the perpetrators of hate, we also gain tremendous insight to help mobilize and fight for queer and trans rights everywhere. Check it out here.
At CP we believe pride month is every month, and we support and work with activists and movements resisting the commercialization and homo-nationalism of pride. We believe these films contribute to that work and we hope you enjoy them.