Cinema Politica at Bishop’s University / CÉGEP Champlain Lennoxville is a bi-weekly series showcasing movies that bring important political issues to light. Some topics covered may include, but are not limited to the environment, globalization, war & peace, government, and more.
Screenings will be held every Thursday evening, at 6PM, in Nicolls 4. These films are free of charge for everyone, but donations of 2$ to 5$ are appreciated to help fund the movie screenings (Membership, postage and printing are our main costs, and so are the free snacks). All Bishop’s students are invited, as well as Champlain Lennoxville students and members of the local community.
For more info, contact us at our email address.
Restez à l'écoute pour des projections à venir!
Cinema Politica Bishop's aimerais remercier leurs collaborateurs pour leur soutien continu.