Ce film excentrique et ludique combine le changement climatique, le développement durable, les huîtres, New York et les droits des transgenres en une œuvre loufoque et joyeuse.
Un film puissant qui vous surprend, combinant une réflexion et une expérience personnelles avec une critique plus large du pouvoir et de la corruption au Liban.
Featured image for THIS STAINED DAWN (Dagh Dagh Ujala
Les féministes de Karachi organisent une marche des femmes, affrontant l’État pakistanais, les médias et la droite religieuse radicale.
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Lucy Parker  ·  2019  ·  1h15m
Lucy Parker  ·  2019  ·  1h15m

Un documentaire britannique montre des ouvriers du bâtiment découvrant une liste noire et dénonçant des policiers infiltrés dans leurs mouvements avec minutie.

Still from Push
Still from Push
Fredrik Gertten  ·  2019  ·  1h32m
Fredrik Gertten  ·  2019  ·  1h32m

PUSH sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, our increasingly unliveable cities and an escalating crisis that has an effect on us all.

Still from HAK_MTL
Still from HAK_MTL
Alexandre Sheldon  ·  2019  ·  1m
Alexandre Sheldon  ·  2019  ·  1m

As many accept the death of privacy, techies and hackers in Montreal discuss ways to work against monetization of data and loss of autonomy in the digital age.

Infiltrators: People lined up in orange shirts
Infiltrators: People lined up in orange shirts
Cristina Ibarra & Alex Rivera  ·  2019  ·  1h35m
Cristina Ibarra & Alex Rivera  ·  2019  ·  1h35m

Two fearless undocumented youth go undercover to expose the atrocities of immigration detention facilities and to work for the release of detainees.

Still from aswang
Still from aswang
Alyx Ayn Arumpac  ·  2019  ·  1h25m
Alyx Ayn Arumpac  ·  2019  ·  1h25m

ASWANG is a poetically composed inquisition into Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's reign of terror that unleashed death squads in a so-called "war on drugs".

Kelly Fyffe-Marshall  ·  2019  ·  4m
Kelly Fyffe-Marshall  ·  2019  ·  4m

Metaphoric consideration of running a marathon you can’t afford to lose.

Still from Toxic Beauty
Still from Toxic Beauty
Phyllis Ellis  ·  2019  ·  1h30m
Phyllis Ellis  ·  2019  ·  1h30m

The products we apply to our bodies every day had never come under the kind of critical, shocking scrutiny as in this deep investigation into the makeup industry.