Ce film excentrique et ludique combine le changement climatique, le développement durable, les huîtres, New York et les droits des transgenres en une œuvre loufoque et joyeuse.
Un film puissant qui vous surprend, combinant une réflexion et une expérience personnelles avec une critique plus large du pouvoir et de la corruption au Liban.
Featured image for THIS STAINED DAWN (Dagh Dagh Ujala
Les féministes de Karachi organisent une marche des femmes, affrontant l’État pakistanais, les médias et la droite religieuse radicale.
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Still from A Girl Named Kai
Still from A Girl Named Kai
  ·  2005  ·  8m
  ·  2005  ·  8m

A short that is a brave and honest autobiographical vignette in three chapters about Kai Ling’s relationships, self discoveries, passions, secrets and dreams.

Still from Being Osama
Still from Being Osama
Mahmoud Kaabour & Tim Schwab  ·  2004  ·  45m
Mahmoud Kaabour & Tim Schwab  ·  2004  ·  45m

An intimate exploration of six men with highly diverse backgrounds, interests and personalities, united by their first names.

Still from Tama Tū
Still from Tama Tū

On Demand

Taika Waititi  ·  2004  ·  18m

On Demand

Taika Waititi  ·  2004  ·  18m

TAMA TŪ captures the humour and heart of Maori men enrolled in the 28 Battalion and pays tribute to all those who were lost and to the lives of those who were not

Still from Two Worlds Colliding
Still from Two Worlds Colliding
2004  ·  49m
2004  ·  49m

An inquiry into what came to be known as Saskatoon's infamous "freezing deaths" and the schism between an Aboriginal community and a police force.