The STRIKE raconte l’histoire d’une génération d’hommes californiens qui endurent des décennies d’isolement et qui, contre toute attente, lancent la plus grande grève de la faim de l’histoire des États-Unis.
Ce film excentrique et ludique combine le changement climatique, le développement durable, les huîtres, New York et les droits des transgenres en une œuvre loufoque et joyeuse.
Featured image for THIS STAINED DAWN (Dagh Dagh Ujala
Les féministes de Karachi organisent une marche des femmes, affrontant l’État pakistanais, les médias et la droite religieuse radicale.
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TJ Cuthand  ·  2018  ·  13m
TJ Cuthand  ·  2018  ·  13m

After white people have left Earth for Mars, Indigenous people talk about their work reclaiming the land & restoring the health of the planet & their communities.

Still from post_cunt

On Demand

Lari Jalbert  ·  2018  ·  20m

On Demand

Lari Jalbert  ·  2018  ·  20m

post_cunt, gender-hacks matter; a dance of monsters, of post genital focus, of playful prosthetic fluidity, of empowerment and consent.

Still from NOVA
Still from NOVA

On Demand

Andréanne Germain  ·  2018  ·  6m

On Demand

Andréanne Germain  ·  2018  ·  6m

A teenager unwillingly deletes her best friend in this bittersweet coming of age story set in a world where augmented reality has gamified existence.

Damian Nenadić  ·  2018  ·  1h14m
Damian Nenadić  ·  2018  ·  1h14m

Days of Madness est un documentaire qui dévoile le monde caché et stigmatisé des personnes étiquetées "mentalement différentes", remettant en cause le rejet de la société et la stigmatisation de la santé mentale.

Still from Freedom Summer
Still from Freedom Summer
Lu Asfaha  ·  2018  ·  12m
Lu Asfaha  ·  2018  ·  12m

At Black Lives Matter Toronto's Freedom School, 13-year-old Moon learns to be a leader while Rihanna discovers that being Black is indeed beautiful.

Still from Netizens
Still from Netizens
Cynthia Lowen  ·  2018  ·  1h36m
Cynthia Lowen  ·  2018  ·  1h36m

An insightful wake-up call about the impact of assault, harassment and defamation women face online, yet a celebration of three fighters against this epidemic.

Still from Warrior Women
Still from Warrior Women
Christina D. King & Elizabeth A. Castle  ·  2018  ·  1h4m
Christina D. King & Elizabeth A. Castle  ·  2018  ·  1h4m

An exploration of what it means to balance a movement with motherhood and how activist legacies are passed down from generation to generation.

Still from Dolores
Coachella, CA: 1969. United Farm Workers Coachella March, Spring 1969. UFW leader, Dolores Huerta, organizing marchers on 2nd day of March Coachella. © 1976 George Ballis/Take Stock / The Image Works NOTE: The copyright notice must include "The Image Works" DO NOT SHORTEN THE NAME OF THE COMPANY
Peter Bratt  ·  2017  ·  1h38m
Peter Bratt  ·  2017  ·  1h38m

Sí, se puede! Audiences will be yelling this famous chant, coined by labour & civil rights activist Dolores Huerta, after watching this riveting biography.