On Demand
Cyclists are changing the face of Vancouver, a city that has become renowned for the party spirit of its Critical Mass bike rides that attract all types of cyclists. From the Wholesome Undie and the World Naked Bike Ride (a ride founded in Vancouver), follow a local bike collective and share in the “velo love” of buildathons, street theatre, and rides.
YOU NEVER BIKE ALONE charts the development of Critical Mass rides in Vancouver—from the protest rides across the historic Lions Gate Bridge in the early and mid-1990s, through the “No Fun City” years of the late 1990s and early 2000s when cyclists were routinely arrested for riding together, up to the giant Critical Mass rides of more recent years. Drawing on footage shot over the last decade, YOU NEVER BIKE ALONE asks whether cycle activists are succeeding in their goals, and asks whether Critical Mass and similarly styled rides are winning hearts and minds.
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