Granny Power
Granny Power by Magnus Isacsson and Jocelyne Clarke

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Granny Power

par Magnus Isacsson & Jocelyne Clarke
Spanning 10 years, this film follows several passionate, activist grandmothers and their “gaggles” as they fight for peace, social justice and the environment.
2014  ·  1h18m  ·  Canada
Anglais, Français
Anglais (sous-titres)
À propos du film
GRANNY POWER is a documentary about a very original activist movement – the Raging Grannies. Spanning 10 years, the film follows several passionate, activist grandmothers and their “gaggles” as they fight for peace, social justice and the environment. From Occupy Wall Street sites in Canada and the U.S., to demontrations against nuclear arms, the Montebello G-20, arms fairs and protests at military recruitment centres, the film follows several Grannies – Muriel Duckworth, Alma Norman, Molly Klopot and Connie Graves among them – as they undertake surprising political guerrilla actions, challenging authorities and stereotypes alike. The film spans the present and the past of the Raging Grannies movement: from its beginnings 25 years ago in Victoria, B.C., to its present as an international movement. The film is also a window on important issues that concern us all: our role as citizens as we grow older, the challenges of aging, the inevitability of death. Remaining active and finding a voice as elderly women, these grannies are deflating clichés about aging and proving that life can be lived to its fullest, in every way, to the end. Director Magnus Isacsson first encountered the Grannies while shooting scenes for films about major political, social and environmental issues. Most of our footage was shot in classical vérité style, by one of Canada’s best documentary cinematographers, Martin Duckworth. The mainstay of GRANNY POWER will be the Grannies’ entertaining and audacious actions as they take to the streets, or they take to the water, to denounce the arms race, government cutbacks, pollution. This is a documentary about an important, growing and radically under-represented segment of the population. As citizens become more passionate about expressing political dissatisfaction with the status quo the Raging Grannies are proving to be an inspiration and a a symbol of proud civic engagement for audiences of all ages. The Grannies’ commitment to the issues and their sense of humour are always much in evidence. The film will be ‘serious fun.’
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Magnus Isacsson, Jocelyne Clarke
Susan Shanks
Jocelyne Clarke and Tobi Elliott
Martin Duckworth
Carole Roy
En lien avec le film
À propos du cinéaste

Jocelyne Clarke

Jocelyne Clarke
Jocelyne Clarke

Jocelyne Clarke has worked in the film and video industry since 1990. She has directed several films, among them a portrait of Montreal singer-entertainer Penny Lang, entitled Stand Up!, On High Ground With Penny Lang, which she also produced, and most recently Edith and Michel a film for Radio-Canada about dementia, telling the story of acclaimed Montreal filmmaker Michel Moreau and his wife, author Édith Fournier.

Jocelyne received a Master’s degree in Communications from Concordia University in 1989 and was part-time professor there for 15 years, teaching a variety of courses including film production, and documentary history, writing and criticism.

Outside her own work, Jocelyne has been associated with numerous production companies and involved in virtually all aspects of documentary filmmaking, as a writer, researcher, producer, director and editor. She also works as an independent analyst evaluating documentary projects for funding institutions.

Jocelyne has been closely involved in programming the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montreal (RIDM) since its inception in 1998. She has sat on juries, among them for Toronto’s “Hot Docs” and “Silence elles tournent” as well as the RIDM. She also writes occasional articles for such Canadian film magazines as POV and Montage.


Magnus Isacsson

Telling dramatic stories which bring crucial social and political issues to the attention of the public – that was Magnus Isacsson’s objective as a documentary filmmaker. In the last fifteen years, he specialized in feature length “process films”, following conflictual situations over long periods of time. Power (Cineflix 1996), told the five-year story of how the Cree Indians defeated Hydro-Québec’s Great Whale megaproject. The film received the award for best documentary at the Paris International Environmental Film Festival in 1997 and the Grand Prize of the Lausanne festival in 1999.  The Choir Boys (Érézi 1999) about Montreal’s choir of homeless men, was nominated for several major Canadian awards and received the Golden Conch at the Mumbai International festival in 2000. The feature length View from the Summit,  (Érézi 2002) is a multi-faceted view of the politics of protest, which the Globe and Mail called “remarkable…riveting”.  Isacsson also co-directed Pressure Point (Multi-Monde 1999), a film on the same theme that received the Quebec Film Critics award for Best Documentary in 2000. Maxime, McDuff and McDo  (Virage), his second film on attempts to unionize McDonald’s restaurants, was nominated for three Gémeaux awards.  Isacsson’s most recent films are ‘The Battle of Rabaska’ ( with Martin Duckworth, ONF 2008) and Art in Action (Amazone Films 2009) which received the Prix Gémeaux for best portrait or biography in 2011. Isacsson received the 2004 Prix Lumières from the Quebec directors’ association. ( ARRQ.)

Magnus Isacsson was born in Sweden in 1948. He immigrated to Canada in 1970 and became a Canadian citizen in 1978. He is fluent in Swedish, English and French and understands Spanish. After studying political science at the Universities of Stockholm and Montreal, Isacsson started his career as a radio producer for Swedish Broadcasting and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from 1972 to 1980. From 1980 to 1986 he directed numerous current affairs reports and investigative stories for the English and French television networks of the CBC, for programs such as Le Point, Contrechamp and The Fifth Estate.

Isacsson taught audiovisual production at l’INIS, the Quebec film school, and at several universities, including Whitman College in Washington State, the University of Montreal and Concordia U. In the mid-eighties he taught video production in Zimbabwe and South Africa for Montreal-based Vidéo Tiers Monde (Third World Video). He directed an instructional tape on video production, which received the award for best audiovisual production from the Association for Audiovisual Teaching Techniques in 1991. He was a member and former co-chair of the Documentary Association of Canada (DOC), a member of the Association des Réalisateurs et Réalisatrices du Québec (ARRQ), and of SARTEC. He was also vice-president of the Observatoire du documentaire.

Isacsson passed away in 2012.

D'autres films de Magnus Isacsson



