Using a captivating mash-up of contemporary story-telling styles across a multi-media approach, Enhior’hén:ne [TOMORROW], a short documentary, incorporates spoken word, highly stylized visual juxtapositions including still-image portraiture and traditional cultural signifiers such as traditional drumming to reveal the reality bridged by the Kanien’kehá:ka experiences in the face of colonial interruption.
In exploring Indigenous futurisms, we must first understand the links between past, present and future. Reflecting on the famous idiom, “For the next seven generations”, Indigenous worldviews intimately understand the material relationals of impact between time. For onkwehon:we, this means understanding our roles as embodied visions of our ancestors of the past, as well as our manifest of both celestial and earth-bound responsibilities to our peoples and lands of today, and finally, the models and myths we leave behind as ancestors to the future. If you could send a message to the future, what would it be?
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