Still from Continuous Journey
Still from Continuous Journey

On Demand

Continuous Journey

par Ali Kazimi
Continuous Journey is a complex tale of hope, despair, treachery and tragedy.
2004  ·  1h27m  ·  Canada
Ourdou, Pendjabi
À propos du film
In 1914, Gurdit Singh, a Sikh entrepreneur based in Singapore, chartered a Japanese ship, the Komagata Maru, to carry Indian immigrants to Canada. On May 23, 1914, the ship arrived in Vancouver Harbour with 376 passengers aboard: 340 Sikhs; 24 Muslims and 12 Hindus. Many of the men on-board were veterans of the British Indian Army and believed that it was their right as British subjects to settle anywhere in the Empire they had fought to defend and expand. They were wrong… Continuous Journey is an inquiry into the largely ignored history of Canada’s exclusion of the South Asians by a little known immigration policy called the Continuous Journey Regulation of 1908. Unlike the Chinese and the Japanese, people from British India were excluded by a regulation that appeared fair, but in reality, was an effective way of keeping people from India out of Canada until 1948. As a direct result, only a half-mile from Canadian shores, the Komagata Maru was surrounded by immigration boats and the passengers were held in communicado ­ virtual prisoners on the ship. Thus began a dramatic stand-off which would escalate over the course of two months, becoming one of the most infamous incidents in Canadian history. By examining the global context and repercussions of a Canadian event, Continuous Journey challenges us to reflect on contemporary events, and raises critical questions about how the past shapes the present.
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Festivals et prix
Gemini Awards, Nominee for Best Overall Sound in a Documentary
Gemini Awards, Best Original Score in a Documentary
Mumbai International Film Festival, India, The Golden Conch
Films South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, The Ram Bahadur Trophy for the Best Film of Festival
DOXA Film + Video Festival, Vancouver, The Colin Low Award for the Most Innovative Canadian Documentary
Black International Cinema, Berlin, Best film/video on matters relating to the Black Experience/Marginalized People
San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival, Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature
Yorkton Film Festival, Canada , Golden Sheaf Award – Best Original Score (Non-Fiction)
heatrical Documentary, Houston World Filmfest, USA, Bronze Remi Award
Director's Guild of Canada, Nominated for Best Team Achievment in a Documentary
Spinning Wheel Film Festival, Toronto, Opening Night Award
Hot Docs- Canadian International Documentary Film Festival, Toronto, Honourable Mention – Best Direction
Hot Docs- Canadian International Documentary Film Festival, Toronto, Second Place - Audience Award
Sikh Centennial Foundation, Toronto, Canada, Sewa Award
Punjabi Heritage Society California, USA, Special Award
Kesri Ribbon Project, Toronto, Canada, Special Award
Dans la presse
The Free Library
Ali Kazimi and Graeme Ball
Ali Kazimi
Sound Editor
Sunil Khanna, David Adkin and Phil Strong
Ali Kazimi
À propos du cinéaste

Ali Kazimi

Director Ali Kazimi.
Photocredit: Michael Barker

En 2019, Ali Kazimi a reçu le Prix du Gouverneur général pour l’ensemble de ses réalisations dans le domaine des arts visuels et médiatiques en reconnaissance de plus de trois décennies de travail révolutionnaire en tant que documentaliste et artiste médiatique dont les œuvres traitent de la race, de la justice sociale, de la migration, de l’histoire et de la mémoire. Son film Continuous Journey (2004), ainsi que son livre Undesirables : White Canada and the Komagata Maru (2011), ont joué un rôle essentiel dans la mise en évidence des histoires oubliées des premiers immigrants sud-asiatiques au Canada. Né, élevé et éduqué en Inde, Kazimi est venu au Canada pour étudier la production cinématographique à l’Université York en 1983. Deux décennies plus tard, après avoir établi sa réputation de cinéaste indépendant primé, Kazimi est retourné à l’Université York.

Il est professeur titulaire au département du cinéma et des arts médiatiques, où il a également occupé la fonction de président du département. Les films de Kazimi ont reçu plus de deux douzaines d’honneurs et de prix nationaux et internationaux, ont été projetés dans des festivals prestigieux et diffusés au niveau national et international. Ses films incluent : Narmada; A Valley Rises (1994), Shooting Indians: A Journey with Jeffrey Thomas (1997), Continuous Journey (2004) et Random Acts of Legacy (2016). L’université de la Colombie-Britannique a conféré un diplôme honorifique, Docteur en lettres (honoris causa), à Kazimi en 2019.

D'autres films de Ali Kazimi



