The Territory – image principale

The Territory

par Alex Pritz
THE TERRITORY offre un regard immersif sur le combat inlassable des Uru-eu-wau-wau, peuple indigène de l'Amazonie, contre la déforestation galopante.
2022  ·  1h25m  ·  Brésil, Danemark, United States
Portugais, Tupi
À propos du film

THE TERRITORY offre un regard immersif sur le combat inlassable du peuple indigène Uru-eu-wau-wau contre l’empiètement de la déforestation par les agriculteurs et les colons illégaux en Amazonie brésilienne. Avec des prises de vue impressionnantes mettant en valeur le paysage du film et un design sonore richement texturé, le film plonge le public au cœur de la communauté Uru-eu-wau-wau et offre un accès sans précédent aux agriculteurs et aux colons qui brûlent et défrichent illégalement les terres indigènes protégées. Tourné en partie par le peuple Uru-eu-wau-wau, le film s’appuie sur des images de style cinéma vérité capturées pendant trois ans, alors que la communauté risque sa vie pour mettre en place sa propre équipe de journalistes dans l’espoir de faire éclater la vérité.

Projections à venir

Restez à l'écoute pour des projections à venir!

Festivals et prix
Sundance Film Festival, Winner of the Audience Award: World Cinema Documentary
Sundance Film Festival, Winner of the World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award: Documentary Craft
Alex Pritz
Darren Aronofsky, Sigrid Dyekjær, Will N. Miller, Gabriel Uchida, Lizzie Gillett, Alex Pritz exécutif.ive.s
Carolyn Bernstein, Ari Handel, Brendan Naylor, Dylan Golden, Txai Suruí, Tejubi Uru-eu-wau-wau, Potei Uru-eu-wau-wau, Jack Weisman, Danfung Dennis, Alexandra Johnes, Rebecca Teitel, Loren Hammonds, Bryn Mooser, Kathryn Everett, Justin Lacob, Rafael Georges, Felipe Estefan, Andrew Ruhemann, Romain Bessi, Philippe Levasseur
Bitaté Uru-eu-wau-wau, Neidinha Bandeira
Tangãi Uru-eu-wau-wau
À propos du cinéaste

Alex Pritz

Alex Pritz is a documentary filmmaker focused on human’s relationship with the natural world. Recently, Alex directed The Territory, which premiered in the World Cinema competition at Sundance 2022 where it won both the Audience Award and a Special Jury Award for Documentary Craft, making it the only film at that year’s festival to win awards from both jury and audience alike. IndieWire described the film as, “Gorgeously and sometimes ingeniously conceived, painting an intimate first-hand portrait of joy, pain, and community, before bursting with rip-roaring intensity as it captures a high-stakes struggle for survival unfolding in the moment.” The Territory is being distributed by National Geographic Documentary Films.

Alex also worked as a cinematographer on the feature documentary The First Wave (dir. Matt Heineman), as a cinematographer and field producer on Jon Kasbe’s feature documentary, When Lambs Become Lions (Tribeca 2018), and as co-director, cinematographer, and editor on the documentary short, My Dear Kyrgyzstan (Atlanta 2019). Alex is a co-founder of Documist, and has received grants from the Sundance Institute, IDA Enterprise Fund, Catapult Fund, and Doc Society.

Alex holds a B.Sc. (Ag. & Env.) from McGill University where he studied Environmental Science and Philosophy. In 2012, he received an inaugural Dalai Lama Fellowship for his work developing film curriculums alongside low-income communities in the Philippines.

Alex has been trained by RISC (battlefield and remote medical care) and HEIST (hostile environments and security in Somalia), and studied French at the Middlebury Language Schools as a Kathryn Davis Fellow for Peace.

D'autres films de Alex Pritz



