Silence is Gold

by Julien Fréchette
Does free speech still exist in the age of the almighty mega-corporation?
2012  ·  1h17m  ·  Canada
English subs
About the Film

What are the limits to freedom of speech? Can we put a price on our spoken and written words? Following the 2008 release of the book Noir Canada, author Alain Deneault, his co-writers and his publisher, Éditions Écosociété, grappled with these questions – at great personal expense – after being sued for defamation in Quebec and Ontario courts by two large Canadian mining companies.

Deneault and his publisher fought back, becoming entangled in a seemingly never-ending spiral of judicial proceedings. Silence Is Gold is a thriller of a documentary that tells their story, set against the backdrop of the Canadian justice system. We follow the complex procedural twists and turns, eagerly anticipating a resolution that is repeatedly delayed.

Filmmaker Julien Fréchette’s camera and questions lead us through this little- understood legal territory without judging or wading into the merits of the cases. His gaze is both subtle and attentive as he tactfully immerses himself in the story, initiating a dialogue with Alain Deneault, who becomes the protagonist of the film. Silence Is Gold raises crucial questions about Canada’s role and responsibilities in the global mining sector, the limits of free speech and equitable access to the Canadian justice system.

Upcoming Screenings

Stay tuned for upcoming screenings!

Festivals and Awards
Special Mention - Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal
In the Press
Andrea Henriquez
Jean-Simon Chartier & Colette Loumède
Sound Editor
Julien FréchetteToby-Will Richardson
Soundtrack Composer
Dany NicolasZoé Dumais
Julien Fréchette
About the Director

Julien Fréchette

Julien Fréchette a toujours été passionné par le cinéma, l’histoire, la politique et la justice sociale.C’est au fil de ses études que ce diplômé du programme /Film Production/ de l’Université Concordia se spécialise en documentaire et signe son premier film L’homme et la montagne qui remporte quelques prix, dont celui du jury à l’édition 2004 du concours Vidéastes Recherchés. En 2007, il signe son premier documentaire long-métrage, diffusé sur les ondes de Télé-Québec. le doigt dans l’oeil traite de la problématique de l’île René-Levasseur, située dans le nord du québec, qui est convoitée par divers groupes pour ses ressources naturelles et également pour sa conservation. La recherche d’une meilleure justice sociale et son intérêt pour les enjeux de sociétés occupent une place fondamentale au cœur de ses films.


