Still from Kwadacha By The River
Still from Kwadacha By The River

Kwadacha by the River

by Jessica Hallenback, Dave Shortt & Mitchell McCook
In the 1960’s, the Kwadacha First Nation were flooded out of their territory by one of the largest dams in the world. It’s time for them to tell their story.
2017  ·  19m  ·  Canada
English subs
About the Film
In the late 1960’s, the Kwadacha First Nation, a small Tsek’ene community located on the Peace River in Northern British Columbia, were flooded out of their traditional territory by the W.A.C. Bennett Dam – one of the largest dams in the world. The dam and its reservoir (the largest in Canada) has affected an area the size of France, flooding hundreds of cemeteries, moose calving grounds, and village sites. Thousands of animals drowned including beaver, mountain goats, and bears–leading to near-starvation in the community. The waterways were rendered too dangerous to navigate. Many people of Kwadacha have drowned due to the flooding, and ongoing dust storms from the slumping banks of the reservoir have led to respiratory illnesses. In a cruel form of irony , Kwadacha has not been provided with access to electricity from the dam, and continues to pay B.C. Hydro for a diesel generator. With construction of a new dam underway on the same river, further flooding is imminent. It’s time for Kwadacha to tell their story.
Upcoming Screenings

Stay tuned for upcoming screenings!

Dan Brittain, Dave Shortt and Kelsey Sparrow
Kwadacha First Nation
Kwadacha Elders who shared their story
Mike Abou, Elsie Arthurs, Craig McCook, Emil McCook, Leena McCook, Johnny Poole, Mary Jean Poole, Willie Poole, Laura Seymour, Bill Van Somer, Shirley Van Somer and Anne Timmins

