On Demand

In Spring One Plants Alone

by Vincent Ward
The true, moving story of how an 84-year-old Maori woman struggles to care for her handicapped 40-year-old son.
1980  ·  45m  ·  New Zealand
About the Film

An aged woman lives with her fully grown and wholly dependent son.

This Vincent Ward film is a rare view of an enclosed world where an 82-year-old woman, alone, is ‘The Burdened One’. Filmed over a period of one and a half years, this emerges as a haunting and powerful portrayal of their life together, a life of ritual and of their survival.

Distribution Availability: Canada and United States (Non-Theatrical, Community Screening); Worldwide excluding New Zealand and Australia (Internet Rights)

Cinema Politica is the proud distributor of In Spring One Plants Alone. Visit our distribution catalog to learn more about the licensing options.
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Festivals and Awards
Chicago Film Festival 1980, , Silver Hugo
Grand Prix Cinema du Reel
Chris Lancaster
Leon Narbey and Alun Bollinger
About the Director

Vincent Ward

Vincent Ward’s films have achieved a wide, eclectic audience whilst earning critical acclaim and festival attention.

His latest feature film Rain of the Children (2008) was picked by the audience, from 250 feature films, to win the Grand Prix at Poland’s largest film festival. The film was also nominated for best director in New Zealand and Australia. What Dreams May Come won an Oscar and was nominated for 2 Academy Awards. The River Queen (2005) won the Golden Goblet in Shanghai.

Ward was an executive producer of The Last Samurai, developing the underlying material for it – he also chose the director.

Wards earlier films Vigil (1984), The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey (1988) and Map of the Human Heart (1993) were the first films by a New Zealander to be officially selected for the Cannes Film Festival. Between them they garnered close to 30 national and international awards (including the Grand Prix at festivals in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and the United States).

Ward was recognized with an Order of New Zealand Merit in 2007 for his services to the film industry. He is currently in active film development whilst also working as a writer and painter.


