Days of Madness

by Damian Nenadić
Days of Madness is a documentary that unveils the hidden, stigmatized world of those labeled "mentally different," challenging societal rejection and mental health stigma.
2018  ·  1h14m  ·  Croatia
English subs
About the Film

Days of Madness is a participatory-observational documentary taking us to the otherwise hidden and to most people abject world of the mentally different, easily rejected by society and branded as mental patients. Mladen and Maja enter their mature years haunted by demons of the past and countless drugs given to them by psychiatrists instead of conversation. The community responded to their burden of dysfunctional family past ruthlessly, with moral hypocrisy, turning them to the mercy of the health system which made them addicts. With subtle vibrancy, Days of Madness register their lonely daily life caught in the vicious circle of rejection and guilt, as well as an attempt to find a little corner of their own in the society that rejected them. On this road they will have to face their own ghosts of the past and the kings of the present, who call demonic everything they do not understand. Mladen and Maja will say their final NO to the doctors and take their health into their own hands, finally ready to share their painful odyssey with others. Through admirably captured moments of two almost lost lives, we need to ask ourselves the question – who is in fact mad here?

Upcoming Screenings

Stay tuned for upcoming screenings!

executive producer
Brand Ferro
Oliver Sertic
Srdjan Kovacevic
Damian Nenadic
Sandra Bastasic
About the Director

Damian Nenadić

Damian Nenadić finished study of ecology at Zagreb University of nature sciences. He has working on field of nature for 6 years. On island of Cres he was coordinating the program of biodiversity protection and assisting the program of protection of griffon vultures, later also involved in similar projects in Spain and Portugal. He had numerous exhibition in different medias in which he explores relationship between man and nature. Currently working as photographer for several Croatian magazines, also directing and filming music videos. Three years ago he started study D.O.P. at Academy od Drama Art in Zagreb.