Still from Bajo Sospecha : Zokunentu

Bajo Sospecha : Zokunentu

by Daniel Díaz Oyarzun
Narrated in the language of the Mapuche people, the film is a journey through the works of the celebrated Mapuche visual artist Bernardo Oyarzún from the perspective of his nephew.
2022  ·  1h7m  ·  Chile
Mapudungun, Spanish
About the Film


Narrated in the language of the Mapuche people, the film is a journey through the works of the celebrated Mapuche visual artist Bernardo Oyarzún from the perspective of his nephew, Daniel Díaz, who proposes a reflection on identity, spirituality, territory and racial justice in contemporary Chile.

Daniel Diaz Oyarzun is a comic and web series writer. He has a degree in Filmmaking (Universidad de Chile) and a Master’s in Scriptwriting (Universidad Finis Terrae). Since he started studying Mapuzugun (Mapuche language) five years ago, he has researched the documentary genre from a historical perspective, focused on the revitalization of indigenous languages. As founder & partner at Pikun Films, he explores the intersections between heritage, narrative, and language. “On Suspicion: Zokunentu” is his debut film and the first feature-length documentary narrated in the language of the Mapuche people.

Upcoming Screenings

Stay tuned for upcoming screenings!

Daniel Díaz
Daniel Díaz
Script consultant
José Luis Torres Leiva, Christopher Murray, Elisa Eliash, Tiziana Panizza
Executive Producer
Esteban Sandoval, Felipe Poblete
Associate producer
Cristian Jesús Mellado
Production consultant
Gabriela Sandoval
Daniel Diaz, Cristian Jesús Mellado
General Production
Cristian Jesús Mellado
Director of photography
Valeria Fuentes
Valeria Fuentes, Danilo Miranda, Javier Morales, Daniel Díaz, Eduardo Ramos
Tania Araya, Daniel Díaz
Editing consultant
Andrea Chignoli, Carolina Siraqyan, Melisa Miranda
Sound design
Christian Cosgrove, Camilo Jiménez
Direct sound
Esteban Sandoval, Eduardo Ramos, Cristian Jesús Mellado, Margarita Egaña
Archival records
Bernardo Oyarzún, Alonso Duarte, Astrid Gutiérrez, Nelly Oyarzún Ruiz, Hugo Muñoz, Manuel Chávez, Patricio Oyarzún, Hernán Rojas
Communications advisor
Siete Soles Agency
Original music
Francisco Herrera “Vñvm”
Post-production coordination
Esteban Sandoval, Valeria Fuentes
Image post-production
Infractor Films
Sound post-production
Yagan Films
Graphic Design
Camila Toro, Andrea Díaz
Natalia Geisse
Laura Zavala
Web Site
Lucía Aguayo
Production Houses
Pejeperro Films, Pikun Films, Eskama Audiovisual (Chile)
About the Director

Daniel Díaz Oyarzun

Daniel Diaz Oyarzun is a comic and web series writer. He has a degree in Filmmaking (Universidad de Chile) and a Master’s in Scriptwriting (Universidad Finis Terrae). Since he started studying Mapuzugun (Mapuche language) five years ago, he has researched the documentary genre from a historical perspective, focused on the revitalization of indigenous languages. As founder & partner at Pikun Films, he explores the intersections between heritage, narrative, and language. “On Suspicion: Zokunentu” is his debut film and the first feature-length documentary narrated in the language of the Mapuche people.

Other films by Daniel Díaz Oyarzun

