Director Magnus Isacsson (on the right)

On Demand

The Magnus Isaacson Collection

A selection of Magnus Isacsson's key works and classics touching on topics of labour, art, and activism
About the Program

From labour to natural resources, from Indigenous communities grappling with hydro dams to art activists provoking with “socially acceptable acts of terrorism,” from the Raging Grannies to a choir formed by homeless men –  Cinema Politica’s Magnus Isacsson Collection will engage and rouse audiences with tales of struggle, resistance, justice, art and activism.

This collection highlights some of the filmmaker’s best works: films that deftly explore complex issues with a keen sensitivity for both the poetics and the politics in a myriad of social issues entangled in the lives of people and communities.

Upcoming Screenings

Stay tuned for upcoming screenings!


Main image for Waiting for Martin
Main image for Waiting for Martin
Magnus Isacsson & Sophia Southam  ·  2004  ·  53m
Magnus Isacsson & Sophia Southam  ·  2004  ·  53m

The dramatic and entertaining story of a student activist who attempts to meet Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin and won't take no for an answer.

Granny Power by Magnus Isacsson and Jocelyne Clarke
Granny Power by Magnus Isacsson and Jocelyne Clarke

On Demand

Magnus Isacsson & Jocelyne Clarke  ·  2014  ·  1h18m

On Demand

Magnus Isacsson & Jocelyne Clarke  ·  2014  ·  1h18m

Spanning 10 years, this film follows several passionate, activist grandmothers and their “gaggles” as they fight for peace, social justice and the environment.

