Support Us
Donate to Cinema Politica and support an independent organization dedicated to screening strong political documentary cinema by dedicated artists in accessible spaces across the globe. We don’t accept corporate sponsorships or donations to keep our curatorial independence and critical edge, and we therefore rely on generous support from people like you. Any donation, no matter how small, nourishes and sustains our activities such as initiating and supporting new local chapters in remote communities, purchasing fair screening rights for new documentaries, maintaining a small office and a website, and offer services to the dozens of Cinema Politica around the world.
Become a Sustainer
Friend of Cinema Politica
($5-$10 per month)
A recurring donation of $10 per month and added up each year allows us to set up one new local with all they need to get started! Plus, we'll send you a free Cinema Politica Top Pick DVD!! $5 per month gets you one big, heartfelt thank-you!
Political Cinephile
($15-$20 per month)
A recurring donation of $15-20 per month and added up each year will cover the costs of shipping our films to our locals for one month. Plus we'll send you a free Cinema Politica t-shirt!!
Cinema Politica BFF
($30+ per month)
A recurring donation of $30-50 per month and added up each year will cover the licensing fees for one mid- length film to play throughout the network and hopefully at a CP local near you! Plus, we'll send you a Cinema Politica Top Picks DVD Box Set, a CP t-shirt and a copy of Screening Truth to Power, published by Cinema Politica!
Become a Sustainer

Rent or buy individual titles available through CP On Demand, or get a free month of streaming all the political films you want when you subscribe: