Tuesday, Dec. 12, 8:00pm

This Stained Dawn (Anam Abbas, 2021)


By donation (suggested: €5)


Let's take care of each other! In case of need, you can find rapid tests and FFP2 masks by a free offer, at the bar counter.

Dear friends, it’s time to announce our last screening for 2023…but hey, new ones will come early 2024, so stay tuned! 🥳❄️

This, together with our co-hosts from Piazza Kollektiv, we are screening a powerful documentary on Karachi’s feminists organizing a woman’s march, coming up against Pakistan’s radical religious right as “my body, my choice” became a controversial slogan holding the country’s imagination in its grip.

🗓 Save the date: W23, Wipplingerstrasse 23, 1010 Vienna | Tuesday 12 December 2023, 8 pm. Doors open at 7:30 pm – free entry

In Collaboration With
Co-Presented By